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After cancer and all that comes with it I need to sort my teeth out but don’t like dentists, what can I do?
Hi I was diagnosed with cancer 8 years ago and went through chemotherapy, during this period i had a number of side effects one of which was extensive vomitting, and recently i have had to go through further radiotherapy which caused the same side effect. this has led to very bad teeth erosion, where some of my teeth are wasting away and some broken. i am very embarrased with this and have feared visiting a dentist, i would love to smile again and have nice teeth but the embarassment and fear off going to a dentist has overtaken me. Could you please advise if there is treatment available so i am able to have a nice smile again, i am still fairly young (37) and feel am at the point where i am prepared to go to a dentist now who is understanding.
Thank you for getting in touch – what a terrible time you have had!
After everything you have been through a visit to the dentist will be a breeze! There is lots of things that can be done to help you with your worn teeth, I am sure you will be amazed. When you see the dentist they will be able to have a look and let you know where you stand, and what options are possible (veneers, crowns/bridges, dental bonding and so on). I have no doubt they will be understanding and keen to help you.
Very best wishes for the year end and very best of luck.