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Can I get implants even though I have osteoporosis?

Hello, Iam a 62year old woman and just wondering how safe are implants for older people with osteoporosis, although bisphosphorate treatment hasn’t started yet? One company said I wasn’t suitable for dental tourism because of this. I would have to get the work done abroad as I can not afford it to be done in England

I dont think that safety is the real issue , but the quality of the bone where you are considering having implants .
If you have poor bone quality then the chance of implant failure is much higher .
Once you are on bisphosphonates dental extraction /implant removal is undesirable due to the known complications with bisphosphonates.
However most of the problems have occurred in people who are having cancer treatment.
You need to have a consultation with a dentist who does lots of implants so you can be properly assessed .
Ive seen good work done overseas, but some awful stuff , you have no protection against problems , and would have to go abroad again if things went wrong .
Adequate support and follw up are essential .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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