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Can I have teeth whitening under sedation?

Hi, I am not the most comfortable dental patient in the world I know, but I want my smile to look nicer. I was wondering if you could tell me if it is possible to have your teeth whitened by laser under sedation?
And if so what is the proccess?
Thank you for your help

Im not sure what you mean by laser whitening .
When this is advertised often its’ misleading , and just means the light that is shined on the bleaching gel when in – surgery bleaching is done .
I wonder why you want to have sedation for this ?
The first thing to do is to explore by having a consultation what the options for whitening treatments might be .
It might be that home whitening might suit you better , and take away the need for you to damp down your anxiety with sedation .
I have heard of someone having sedation for this , but its very rare , very expensive , and would be very hard to find someone to do this .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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