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Can you help me through having braces ?

Hi there and thank you for reading this, I am going to need braces as all my lower teeth are crooked and though I hate the dentist i need to do something about it now as I am 18 and don’t want to go the rest of my life like this until there’s no point doing them. I suffer anxiety in around and for a long time before hand followed by huge relief afterwards. could you please tell me what im am going to need to go through for this to happen and if theres anything I can do to make it easier for me, I really REALLy dont want to go to the dentist full stop so if I can avoid having to have certain things then this would be brilliant, I just want a professional slant on this. I basically want to sort of say no I dont have to do that. if i can. thankyou for any help you can give me

I assume that you want to get your crooked lower teeth straightened , so you are motivated to have orthodontic treatment .If you can keep imagining yourself with nice straight teeth then that will help you .
Its impossible to do this without going to the dentist , and possibly a straightening specialist .Most straightening treatments involve having fixed on braces , or removable aligners .
The initial stages of having moulds taken , or having the retainers fixed on do not last long and are generally not painful , maybe some mild inconvenience as you get used to them .
Its one of those things that if you want it enough then the minor discomforts can be tolerated easily . keep thinking of the goal that you have .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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