Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
How Can I Arrange an Appointment?
Hello, thank you Dr. Pinder for your reply. I’ve been to that website and that’s where I found you. I want to book an appointment with you for a general check up and maybe you can give me a plan management for my oral health, things that needs doing (which I’m sure there are a lot of) and slowly getting back an acceptably smile without feeling embarrassed about it.
I would be a private patient, as I have planned and somehow saved for it until I got the courage to actually see a dentist. I wouldn’t bother with the prognatism just yet as it’s management rather involves very expensive procedures.
Hoping for your reply. Thank you.
Oh, thats very good.
If you ring the practice (number can be found on my profile here: the reception staff will help you with the booking. If you have any difficulties, then you can contact me by email – the address is on my profile.