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How can I go to the dentists without fear or anxiety?

Hello I need help with the dentist I don’t know whether I can bring myself to go. I have put it off for a long time. how could I get myself to go without the fear and anxiety that leads me to return home every time. thank you Dr Pinder

Youve made a start by asking for the help you need .
Do I understand that youve tried before and not made it to the appointments ?
I suggest you just take baby steps ,
make the appointment , perhaps take someone with you to make it more likely you willl get there .
Just look on it as an opportunity to get them looked at as a first step .
tell the receptionist about your level of fear , find a dentist who really understands about dental fear and who likes doing that .
They do exist . To help you find one , look at this website , or go to and check out dentists other people have found good .
Hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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