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How can I overcome my fear and go to the dentist?

Hello,I have ready bad teeth and they are starting to stop me wanting to smile, and I am afraid of what the dental is going to say to me.. I know that I have to get dentures. Help!!!I really look forward to hearing any help or advice that you have to offer me, many thanks.

Well, I think you have almost answered your own question there .
You need to pluck up courage to see a dentist and find out the real state of your teeth and what your options are .
One option is to do nothing , so nothing can change . Finding out doesn’t commit you to anything other than that .
So how could you get started to get over the first hurdle ?
Have a look at a website called for some support and perhaps a suggestion for a dentist in your area , or look it up on this website for a dentist who likes working with nervous patients .
Then call them for an appointment , look up their website , ask around for a recommendation .
Just take small steps at first .
Hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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