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How Can I Rectify My Gum Disease Problem?

Hi Jennifer, I am in a bad state. I neglected my teeth while depressed. I have dental phobia and went to an NHS dentist who told me I had gum disease and wanted to extract 4 teeth, but only replace one tooth at the side. I had a panic attack, I did not go back. I had already lost about a tooth a decade, 4 in all, one of my teeth came out complete with root before Christmas. I am only eating with my front teeth, because I have missing molars at the bottom right and loose molars top left. There is nowhere I can eat comfortably because I have no real chewing surface. I have very bad gum bleeding from time to time. I am worried this situation cannot be rectified and this is impacting severely on my quality of life.

You could seek a second opinion.
The gum disease is the first thing that should be addressed, but sadly for some people the reality is that some teeth will not survive.
Then you can think about replacement teeth. Unfortunately the way the NHS system currently works, there is no incentive to do anything other than basic treatment and gum disease is not getting proper treatment.
You may have now processed that there is something wrong and the shock of it.
But please see another dentist rather than just not going again. Nothing can change if you don’t go again.
You have had the courage to go once, which is a good first step.  Hope this helps, Jenny. 

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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