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We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.

How do you help patients feel relaxed and overcome their fear of the dentist?

hello Dr S Nery. this I know is a bit vague but still, how do you help patients feel relaxed and overcome their fear of the dentist?

Wow, what a big question!

There is a wide range of things that can help, but it depends on what a patient needs. For example, for some people they just need to meet a dentist in whom they have confidence and gel with. For others it might be a specific phobia they have – for example a needle phobia. These people might need Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT), or something similar to help them overcome this fear. Others might need some form of sedation, be it oral or i.v. Some people might just find some headphones and music during treatment will help.

The important first step is to find a dentist whom you can trust, and whom you can talk to about whatever concerns you have about visiting the dentist. It may be that a chat with the receptionist over the phone would be a good first step, as a practice might have a dentist with a particular skill at helping nervous patients, and they may also be able to speak with you over the phone before you decide to make an appointment.

I hope this information is helpful for you.

Best wishes,

Dr Simon Nery

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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