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We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
How should I go about trying to get rid of my dental phobia?
Hello Dr. I don’t really know how to write this and tell you about the problem I have got. I have never done this before and am quite nervous about doing it. I have got dental phobia of some form there is no doubt about that but I don’t know what to do to get rid of it. I get nervous in the build up to any form of trip to the dentist, it starts a few days before and builds from there on in until st the point of having to go I peak and get properly worked up, on many occasions this has lead to me not going to the dentist at all. and missing many appointments which I know is wrong but I can’t help it. how do I stop this happening all the time? I don’t know where to start. thanks
The good thing is that you want to tackle this , that means that you are ready to try to change this difficult pattern .
Can you identify exactly what it is that you get anxious thoughts about ?
Are you catastrophising about what might happen /be found .
Could you get someone else to go with you , make that a contract and stick to it ?
Make the first appointment one where you know you will not have anything done except a look . Its your call whether you have anything further done .
Take small steps , and just get as far as actually attending for an appointment first
Hope this helps