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I am concerned about getting my teeth extracted

I am due to have a few fillings and two teeth extractions on Monday 22nd June and am a bit concerned. The teeth due to be removed are beyond repair so the dentist recommended extraction. Could you tell me what procedure is likely to happen and if it is possible to have some sort of anesthesia other than just a needle in the area.

Any help or anything you can say to put my mind at ease would be extremely helpful because I am not looking forward to it at all. Thank you

If you are feeling anxious then ring and ask the practice if you could have some diazepam to take before the procedure . You will have to do that quickly if the procedure is on Monday .
Otherwise having any sort of Iv sedation has to be pre- arranged and it will depend whetherthe surgery does this or not ., or you have to be referred somewhere else
Also perhaps just have the fillings or extractions done at this visit not both ?
Hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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