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I am embarrassed about having my teeth removed

I have a plate at the top and two crowns, one has fallen out and the other is very loose and therefore will need to come out. My fear of the dentist has stopped me from having treatment. I am really embarrassed as well from having my teeth removed and left with no teeth until mine are fixed.

Its possible that the two teeth which have to be removed could be added on to your plate as a temporary measure .
usually what happens is that a mould is taken over the plate , the plate is sent to the dental technician . It comes back with two extra teeth and the teeth are removed .The plate is then put back in .
It does mean being without the plate , usually for 24 hours , but most people can manage that with a bit of planning of your life , and its a once off .
Then you will possibly need a new plate when the gums have healed .
I hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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