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I am embarrassed to tell my new doctor I have bulimia
Hi there.
I’ve had bulimia for nearly 18 years. I discussed this with my old dentist who retired recently but my new dentist is a young man. I mentioned it to him but I’m too embarrassed to say it is a continuing problem.
youve shown great courage in facing up to this ongoing problem .
many bulimics experience damage to the enamel of their teeth from the erosive acidic stomach contents ,
Often the teeth become very thin , particularly front teeth .
This is highly relevant to your dental health , as dental treatment , fillings etc may not last long , and you may be more prone to dental decay . If your new dentist doesn’t know about this he may not be able to give you the best care for you .
Rehearse how you might tell him . you told your old dentist . Dentists are trained to recognise and treat people with this problem , and he will not judge you . You are judging yourself here , and coming on this site shows that you can overcome your discomfort about this ongoing condition .
Hope this helps