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I am nervous about getting my teeth cleaned

Dear Jennifer,
I have got very bad teeth through not looking after them
I can have 20 teeth saved and the bad ones taken out or I can have them all taken out
But I am very scared and nervous about having them all out and I am very nervous when they try and clean the remaining good teeth
can i be sedated to have my remaining teeth cleaned
please can you give me some advise on what you think i should do. Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can give me about this problem. Thanks

I cant give you exactly what to do because I cant see what your saveable teeth are like .
Its possible to be sedated to have your teeth cleaned , and that might be a place to start .
Having all these teeth out at once is a very drastic step , and starting off with full sets of false teeth is quite a psychological challenge .
I would also suggest that once you’ve had a basic cleaning , you try out having some gentle cleaning with an empathetic hygienist . You may be surprised what you can manage and it may not be as bad as you are imagining

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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