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I am not that comfortable with dentist and have a weak immune system, is there anything that could affect me?
Hi, could you please help me, I have a really weak immune system and have always been given various tablets and creams to help protect me against all kinds of simple things that you commonly encounter. I have never been comfortable with the dentists and have recently moved to another surgery, this has helped me a great deal and would recommend it to anyone. but I wanted to know if there was anything used when having a root canal treatment that could potentially cause problems with allergies? is there any case you have heard of where this has been the case? thanks Dr
sorry to hear about your sensitivities.
There is latex in some of the rubber dam materials , which is what is used over the tooth on a clip to isolate it .
Dentists should be aware of latex allergy , but remind them you have multiple sensitivities .
If the tooth is isolated then all the materials used will be enclosed within the tooth , or prevented from coming into contact with you .
Root canal fillings are of different materials depending on the choice of the dentist .
Gutta percha which is the bulk of most of them is very inert , with few known problems .
Check with the dentist , it will make you feel better .