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I am scared of receiving treatment for my front tooth because I have a fear of feeling numb, what should I do?
I haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, due to the fear of feeling numb, I am scared to get my front tooth done the most because i am scared that I wont be able to breathe through my nose and I get panic attacks a lot which makes it worse, what should I do? i don’t what to be sedated as its horrible as well.
I’ve come across this before .
Exploring your beliefs about this might have been helpful .
Have you ever experienced numbness with a dental injection in the past .
If not then what’s happening is that you are imagining a scenario that is not going to happen .
There are local anaesthetics that wear off quickly so you might ask for one of those .
There are also techniques that numb the tooth very locally that you might ask about , using The Wand.
The numbness will not stop you breathing through your nose , and it will only be on one side .
Hope this helps as you need to get your front tooth done .
You would still need the numbness if you had IV Sedation.