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I am terrified of having my teeth extracted

I am due to get put to sleep (general anaesthetic) to have all of my bottom teeth extracted because they are so damaged due to numerous health conditions including osteoporosis.
I am especially worried about the pain afterwards and the lower denture. I am petrified of the dentist and have to have the procedure done in the day unit of a hospital because I can’t be sedated anymore due to my heart rate going through the roof and my entire body going into a seizure-like state so I am also petrified of being in hospital because last time I was in hospital for tooth extractions I was sick for 3 days afterwards and passed out 4 times before they would let me leave.
I need some reassurance about the denture not making me gag and staying in so I can actually eat.

I hope that you have a better experience this time than your previous one .
I assume you are having the teeth out at the hospital visit and having a denture made later on ?
Its hard to give you any advice without knowing more of the circumstances .
There is certainly a learning curve in getting used to having a full lower denture , and you need to plan soft food for a while , have some denture fixative available to help give you a feeling of security .
You are much less likely to have a gagging problem with a lower plate .
Most people who have gagging problems with false teeth ,, have had a sensitive gag reflex with impressions and dental treatment in the past .
Getting rid of those bad teeth will help you to be healthier but adjusting to the denture may take a while .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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