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I am worried about my tooth infection spreading
Hi doctor,
I have a white ulcer type lump on the cheek next to my lower wisdom tooth ( the specific tooth is partially erupted and it needed a filling a year ago which I didn’t have the money to do). I tried to keep my tooth clean by removing any food trapped into the cavity until it fully grows. It doesn’t suffer from severe pain, but the gums around the tooth are a bit swollen.
I booked a dentist’s appointment but that’s in a month’s time as my dentist is currently away.
I am scared the infection might spread until I go to the dentist and affect my health.
Is there something I can do to keep it under control until my appointment?
Do you think I should visit another dentist if I can book an appointment soon?
Many thanks in advance.
without seeing this I can only give a guess .
If this tooth is partially erupted and needs a filling , i.e it has a cavity . 2 things to consider . 1, the white lump may be a gum boil if the nerve has died in the tooth .2 It might just be rubbing on the cheek and have gone a bit white .
However the tooth may not be worth restoring at any price , and may be better off removed .
try ringing the dentist to get an emergency appointment , or a sooner one , and if not find another dentist.
There isnt much you can do at home without actually getting the problem resolved