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I am worried my tooth will become infected

My tooth was broken so when I visited the dentist yesterday he attempted to remove the tooth a bit at a time. Due to how painful it was and after several injections he stopped half way through and said I would need to see a specialist which would take a few weeks. I now feel I have a gaping big hole in my gum and half a broken tooth. I’m really worried about it becoming infected as it feels like an exposed wound. I know that had it been removed completely I wouldn’t be worrying but I can’t see how I can wait so long to see a specialist when my gum feels so exposed. I’m too scared to eat anything. Can I suggest what I should do please

Im very sorry that you have this problem , it cant have been easy .
I assume that the dentist has referred you to somewhere else with a waiting list ?
although your tooth has some still in the gum , it will probably just stay like that and not cause you any problems .
However you could ask for the phone number of the place you have been sent to to see if you can speed up the process , or maybe be available for a cancellation .
You should be able to eat normally without doing any harm .
If it did play up then ask for some antibiotics to tide you over .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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