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We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I bust into tears when informed I needed a filling as they don’t offer sedation. What can I do?
Please can you help me, I have a really terrible fear of the dentist and actually burst into tears when my dentist told me that at my next appointment she would have to drill in to my tooth to give me a filling. They don’t offer laughing gas or any form of sedation at my dentist. I know its a really silly fear but i hope you can help me
Firstly this is not silly .
Have you been to this dentist before , or had treatment with her ?
Its important to try to think through what it was about the prospect of having a filling that triggered the emotional response ?
I think its really important that you confide in the dentist about this , and if you dont get an empathetic response then consider whether this dentist is the right one for you .
Perhaps she may be able to offer a sedative tablet , any dentist can prescribe one for you.
A 5 or 10 mgm valium tablet can help to damp down the extreme anxiousness to enable you to have the treatment you need .