Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I cannot locate the source of my fear. Does that mean I’ll never get over my fear?
hello dr ive tried to locate the source of my fear with the dentist and have one through a list of potential reasons hear on dental phobia, the thing is i cant say exactly what my fear is- i cannot stand needles but i dont have needles every time i go to the dentist? if i cannot identify me fear i will surely never get over it? i have now avoided the dentists surgery for the last two and a half years and i know its wrong and a bit pathetic, ive done it with the doctors aswell so there may be potenital for the two to be linked? i obviously can manage my health but theres sometimes nothing you can do about your dental health despite brushing flossing etc? is there any direction you could point me in to get rid of it- any tips that may help me?
often there isnt an event or cause for dental phobia that can be clearly identified .
If thats the case then you may have to come to terms with that . However that doesn’t mean that you should use that as a reason to avoid going to the dentist for ever .
there are things that you can do about your dental health , its not just down to the luck of the draw .
However I suggest that you try to book an appointment with a dentist and just view that as an information gathering exercise .
You will probably feel very anxious about booking the appointment , on the way to the surgery , and meeting the new dentist , but anxiety does abate .
Your home care may be perfect , but many people need professional teeth cleaning as well . Throughout my long experience , people who go regularly to have teeth cleaning ( a hygienist is best ) and are good about regular brushing etc , do have far less dental treatment to be done .
I suspect that you avoid medical professionals as well , possibly because you are worried about what they might say .
You might find it useful to go to my website download a questionnaire there which has a good list of fears that you might look through to try and help identify whats stopping you .
face your fears and youll be able to get started