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I can’t bring myself to make an appointment at the dentist in over a year?
Hello Dear expert. I was wondering If you could help me out. I know somebody who asked advise on here that I know personally has really helped her. this has been the sole reason I am trying to tackle my fear now as I’ve seen it all but done. I was reminded that I had not had an appointment in over a year, this made me feel really bad- like i needed to amend it but I can’t?I don’t know why? I never had any bad experiences as a child I purely just cannot remember ever liking the dentist. is there anything I can do to get around this, its possibly anxiety but I don’t know? thanks
its good that you have asked for help .
Are there any times you have been to the dentist where you had positive or neutral experiences , what was it about them that was ok? Its ok not to like going to the dentist , but being able to cope with it is what to aim for .
How could you help yourself to do that ?
set yourself a target time to ring and make an appointment .
If its only a year since your last visit then that is not bad at all , so dont beat yourself up .
Hope this helps you to get started .