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I don’t like lying in the dentists chair
I do not like having to lie almost flat in the chair. I find it difficult to relax as I feel I’ve just got to lie there for ages and the tension gets worse and makes me feel I cannot move if I want to. I never did like lying flat in any circumstances I feel better sitting up but that is not allowed. I just need to relax am not really afraid of the procedure but the longer it goes on the more tense I am.
You are not alone in that feeling .
Its not that the dentist will not allow you to have the treatment sitting up , but its to do with the dentist being able to see what they are doing properly .
Just try to imagine the person craning their neck to see your teeth , whilst standing up with their back bent over day in day out .
But there are things that you could do .
its possible to have the chair a bit upright from the prone position .
You can tell then dentist how you feel , ask for breaks , and a stop signal for when you are feeling tense . That will give you a better feeling of having some control over the situation . Short breaks help and also trying to distract your thoughts away from what you are telling yourself inside .
Hope this might help