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I don’t want to go to the dentist after a bad experience. How do I get over my fear?

hello doctor,

i have horrible, horrible gums, which bleed a lot and I know that i have to so to a dentist but i am just so nervous after a bad experience with a tooth extraction when i was 10. The thought of the drill and even the smell just make me want to be sick. I know I have to have treatment, but i really need some tips on how to overcome my fear and go to the dentist. What would you recommend doctor?

thank you very much for your time

youve made a good start by asking this question .
Find yourself a dentist , perhaps by recommendation from a friend , or looking on
That forum is for people like you to share experiences and help each other .
Getting gums to be healthy involves having them cleaned professionally , and getting advice what to do at home to improve matters . That doesnt involve a drill .
Once you have had some treatment like this from a dentist you trust , then you may be able to progress to other things .
good luck getting your teeth sorted out

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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