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I feel patronized when learning about my phobia but I haven’t been to the dentist since 2007?

Hello, I have been on a few dental phobia sites over the last few days and have found that a lot of them are quite patronizing with cartoony pictures on and stuff. I like this site because it doesn’t do this. the problem is I also find a lot of them take the same approach of saying is it this thats wrong(fear of drill…etc) or this? I don’t actually know what Is wrong and it’s annoying me now I haven’t been the dentist since 2007 when I left school because of it. Do you please know of anyway I can begin to outline/define what the issue is and how I can begin to deal with it :( thank you

There are a few ways to do this .
Its not uncommon that some people cant identify what the problem is when the dentist asks them .
I can suggest some things , some may be helpful , others may not for you .
you last went to the dentist in 2007 .
what was that like , what went well , and what can you remember provoked anxiety .
There are steps to take to go to the dentist , choosing one , making the appointment , going to the dentists practice , sitting in reception , being called in , talking to the dentist , having the exam , being told what does or doesnt need doing , making a plan , then actual treatment .
have you ever had any bad medical experiences /
On my website , . there is a questionnaire with a list of things to look at , which may help you pinpoint things which are a problem .
However for some people just the free-floating dread and anxiety are enough to prevent you going .
Its best to view the first visit as a no-obligation look around .
I also guess that you are judging how the dentists feel about anxiety by their websites , they are probably only trying to be helpful in their own way .
I hope this helps you to get there

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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