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I have a bad phobia of going to the dentist

Hello,I’ve just read come across this website and its so nice to know I’m not alone! A few weeks ago i got very very low and I admitted to myself,family and my doctor that I have a bad phobia of getting toothache and going to the dentist! Up until now I’ve managed to keep up with apps and have work done! Ive had ALOT of work done over the years and everything I go for a app i always need work done! Its got to point where I want all my teeth out and have false ones! I also haven’t been able to find a dentist who understands what it feels like to be so nervous..i have tried to tell my many dentists over the years only to be told “its nothing to worry about”.
Thank you in advance.

Hello I do understand how people feel when they are not just nervous , but avoid it altogether because of fear.
I hear that you are fed up with always having to have work done and see the way out of the fear as having all your teeth out and false teeth .
That can bring a different set of problems and needs to be considered very carefully.
Have you told the dentist about how you are feeling , or would you be better to change to another dentist , or at least get a second opinion ?
Dont accept the ‘its nothing to worry about ‘ line , as you ARE worried .
It might be a good idea to help identify exactly which things you are afraid of . Most people can manage some things , and look at which things you have done successfully in the past ( you dont have to like them !)
)I hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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