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I have an extreme phobia of going to the dentist

Hi Dr. I have a really extreme phobia of the dentist. I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t been to the dentist in about 12 years. Even just booking an appointment makes me panic really bad, I cry at times as I get that scared, also the silver equipment the dentist’s use have an affect on my teeth, my whole mouth/teeth end up really hurting due to them being really over sensitive (I think) and I just can’t go through with it as I end up passing out. I want to get my mouth sorted though as I’ve had a few teeth crumble and fade away in my mouth and got other bad symptoms going on. I’m only 25 and I find this phobia really affecting my life. Is there any chance of some serious help? I’ve asked some local practice’s if they can ‘knock me out’ but they all said they need to inspect my mouth before hand which I can’t go through. Please help? Thanks 

Hello ,
there is work to be done to get you to the dentist in the first place . Its impossible for anyone to know what you need to have done without being able to take a look .
If you mail me at I can help you with some preliminary help .
In the mean time if you look at , and the web site for Anxiety Uk you will find some resources to help you with the anxiety thats stopping you making an appointment , and the anxiety thats overwhelming you at each stage after that .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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