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I have bad tooth decay but too scared too go to the dentist, help?

i would like your professional opinion please , I have very bad tooth decay, every tooth on my upper gum has it literally only one has not got it and its starting to show early stages of tooth decay, but my bottom teeth are fine at the moment. i really need to see a dentist urgently as I haven’t seen one for over 3 years now due to being scared , I have bad dental phobia , once I’ve been to the dentist what would they do to fix my teeth?
Would they give me implants, or false teeth, or just leave me without any teeth, and is it possible to take gas and air to put you to sleep whilst they do it all?
Thanks alot

Until you get a dentist to have a look at your teeth ,you may be imagining the worst.
If your decay is early then it is possible you may need simple work to put it right .
Of course you can have sedation , but thats not the same as a general anaesthetic .Gas and Air today for dentistry is a form of conscious sedation otherwise called Relative Analgesia .
Implants are just one option for replacing missing teeth,your dentist would explain what your choices are for your particular situation .
Dont delay treatment options are better with early intervention

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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