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I have chronic gum disease

I have been told by my dentist that I have a chronic gum disease and must go for periodontal treatments. I understand that these treatments are very painful and uncomfortable and there is a chance of disease recurrence, but I have learned that there are also laser treatment available with no pains and a good success rate for gum and bone recovery. Could you please tell me which treatments are best for long term solution and saving my teeth. I know the cost with laser treatment are quite substantial but are they effective for spending all that money.
Kind regards 

The first thing with gum disease is that the teeth need to be cleaned of the tartare deposits under the gum . But also you need to be taught how to clean your teeth effectively both with a brush and small brushes to clean in between your teeth .The cause of gum disease is dental plaque which then hardens to form tartare and sticks to the teeth
Its possible to have some local anesthetic to help to do this without discomfort . Or the hygienist should have a numbing gel called Oraquix available.
Laser treatment would hurt without any local anaesthetic , and its not really able to be used until the inflammation has been reduced by some cleaning .
Just have a session of cleaning to see how you get on .Most people can manage either with hand instruments or an ultrasonic cleaner . But a nice hygienist will help you have it and help with your nerves

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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