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I have had four failed root canal treatments

Over the last year, I’ve had 4 failed root canal treatments, and 3 of these teeth have been extracted. This has given me an enormous amount of stress. I now have pain in my cheekbone especially after hot drinks, and I suspect another tooth is dying. I can’t face going to the dentist. I feel desperate at the thought of another root canal followed by another extraction. Previously, I have only had one root canal treatment, that was 18 years ago and was successful. I have lupus, though my dentist and rheumatologist both say that doesn’t make any difference.

I have to seriously question 2 things
1. Was it the right thing to do to root canal treat the teeth in the first place ? What was the likely chance of success when they were done ?
2. What was the quality of the treatment done , so many failed root canals needs some questions answered .
I know that I am in the fortunate position of being in Private Practice , but I would seriously question my competence and diagnostic skills with such a high failure rate .
Seek a second opinion .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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