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I have rotting teeth please help me

I have teeth rotting away to the gum teeth falling out 1 I have glued in I haven’t told anyone about this but I do feel like death would be an easier way out rather then going to the dentist but I can’t as I have kids so I must find something please please help me asap

Im very sorry that you are feeling so horrible about this , but as you say you have a life which is worth living .
This life is being blighted by the condition of your teeth , and your fear was probabbly initially about having any dental work for whatever reason .
But facing up to your fear is something you have started by asking this question .
I suggest you have a look at as a start .
It sounds like it might be necessary to have some teeth out , and there are places that you could be referred to to be sedated or asleep .
I have several clients of my own over the past year who have faced up to a similar situation , and although having to have replacement teeth were happy and could start having a decent life again .
It takes courage to get started but its possible
Hope this helps a bit

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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