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I have serious toothache but am scared of the dentist, can I have treatment under sedation?

I have a terrible phobia which stopped me going to the dentist for ten years. I recently went due to serious toothache and was referred to have it taken out at tue dental hospital. I know i need more treatment I have daily pain but cannot bring myself to go back. I know that I am making the problen worse I really wish I had looked after my teeth. Is there anyway of turning back the clock? Is the a dentist in newcastle that will sedate me and carry out the work i need?
Please help me!!! 

The dental hospital in Newcastle has a sedation service , which is very well thought of , and Im sure that if you go there for the consultation and ask for sedation they will be able to help you .
Google in Dental Sedation in Newcastle and Im sure you’ll find someone who has been trained there , or who does that as a regular service .
You can’t turn back the clock , but you can make a start from today to make things better for the future .
Once the painful tooth is dealt with , then you may find a suitable dentist to gradually help you with the rest .
Its sometimes good just to start with having your teeth cleaned

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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