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I haven’t been to the dentist in three years

I haven’t visited a dentist for 3 years and I have problems with receding gums and now have a food trap. My greatest fear is having a panic attack which happened once when I was having treatment.

I am currently trying to cope with the death of my daughter and have the occasional panic attack usually during the night.

I’m so worried about my teeth but haven’t been able to pluck up the courage to contact a dentist, in the past I haven’t had very sympathetic responses when I said I had dental phobia. Can you help?

Im very sorry to hear of your bereavement , this must be a difficult time .
You need to find out first what treatment you need . Just go for a check with nothing more than that in mind Most people have some things about dental treatment which are the worst for them , and it can be helpful to look at what specifically makes you feel panicky during treatment .
You must tell the dentist about your problem , otherwise they cant know whats happening . The dentist may not be dismissive , but doesn’t know what to do to help you , its easy to imagine what other people are thinking .
If you need treatment which is non urgent then perhaps it could wait for a while . I would recommend that you look at the resources of Anxiety Uk as there is information and help about panic attacks .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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