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I need 2 root canals and I’m petrified of the dentist, can I be put to sleep?
Hello, I wondered if you could help me? I’m 14 and I think I’m in need of 2 root canals, but I’m absolutely terrified of the dentist, I feel sick if anyone even mentions the name. I live in Scotland is there any way I can be put to sleep for the procedures? Thank you
At your age this must feel like a very daunting thing to face .
Firstly are you sure you need this ?
If you do need this then its likely you are very prone to tooth decay , , how are the teeth going to be restored afterwards ?
As a child you would be able to ask to be seen by the Community Dental Service with a view to having some form of sedation . The other option might be to ask to be referred to a dental hospital depending on where you live , to the children’s dentistry department .
Its easier to get a full put to sleep procedure to have teeth out than for root canal treatments .
I hope you can find the help you need