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I need a dentist that offers sedation

I ned an NHS dentist in London who offers sedation as I have had one tooth removed already, I know i need another removed and I am in pain now with other areas of my teeth, however I am terrified, and I am scared the decay is causing my health to suffer but I am so phobic my NHS dentist struck me off for cancelling two appointments last minutes.

Im sorry to hear that you are so terrified its not a nice feeling.
Finding an NHS who does sedation may not be easy .
If you need a lot of work unfortunately the pay system means that a dentist gets paid the same money to do three fillings or ten fillings , so they are reluctant to take on patients with high needs . If you miss your appointments regularly they are not allowed to charge for the wasted time ,so thats why they will not keep you on .
I know how difficult it is when you are fearful to sometimes pluck up the courage to turn up !
Its possible to get a referral for sedation for extractions to one of the dental hospitals , both Guys and the Eastman will do this . a general dentist should be able to arrange this .
Its also possible to ask for some sedative tablets such as 5 or 10 mgm of valium/diazepam , to help with filling appointments .
You could google Sedation dentist in London and see what comes up .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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