Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I need a dentist that will literally put me to sleep so I can have treatment
hi jennifer
my stomach is turning just to ask you this question , i will not enter the dentist at all i am in need of urgent treatment my teeth are quite bad that i am not smiling at all and can not eat much , but terrified to go .. i will need a dentist that will litually put me to sleep before treatment starts
please help me
It sounds as if you have a severe dental phobia .
you’ve had the courage to take this first step , and your anxiety is welling up .
However if you want things to change then there are steps that you have to take .
You’ll need to have a consultation with a dentist who does sedation ( deep state of altered consciousness ) . Find out what treatment you need , and the decide with them what can be done .
Its possible to have sedation for some things . To be fully asleep means having a general anesthetic which can only be done in a hospital , and is usually only available for extractions or special needs patients such as those with physical disabilities or learning difficulties .
Your feelings about your teeth are probably very negative , but the dentist will be there to help you and not to judge .
An exercise to do would be to imagine that there is a day in the future when you can smile , and eat properly again . Take one step at a time , find a dentist , and make a visit .
I hope this helps