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I need a tooth extracting, can I have conscious sedation to help me through the procedure?

I’ve not been to a dentist for 6 years. The last one i saw could not work on me because i was shaking so much and physically could not let him near me.

I’ve been living with a painful upper wisdom tooth since 2008. Recently the pain has gone to a whole new level so unfortunately a visit is inevitable but I’m putting it off as long as i can. I need the tooth extracted; part already broke off a year ago. It has a root canal which i thought removed the nerves but it’s extremely painful plus the gum around it is inflamed on a regular basis.
I believe the only way i can have this tooth extracted is under GA or the conscious (twilight) sedation widely used in US and SA.

I had a GA in November for an operation so am worried about having another so soon. Can conscious sedation be done at the office as opposed to hospital? What roughly would the cost be? (I don’t want X rays, i just want the tooth out)
I don’t want to book a consult unless i know i can afford the treatment.

Thanks in advance

it sounds as if you are right that the tooth needs to go .
Its possible to have a GA or conscious sedation without cost at a dental hospital , but you would need a referral from a dentist .Your recent one is not a barrier to that , but hospital treatment means waiting .

Conscious sedation can mean several different techniques . including IV drugs or RA ( gas and air ) it can be done in a dental office .
Cost will depend on where you live , whether its NHS or Private .
I suggest you google in Iv sedation for dentistry , sedation clinics , or look in
You will have to have a consultation , and probably an X ray ( otherwise the dentist cant make a proper diagnosis , and may refuse to do the extraction without one if they think its necessary ) .
It should be possible to find what you want to have , and your history of phobia certainly fits the criteria ,
Hope you get sorted

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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