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I need new teeth after 18years of liver disease, but iam too scared help?

After having liver disease for 18years I have finally had a successful transplant. My old liver prevented my body from absorbing calcium and vitamin D leaving the condition of my teeth to go downhill. I need to get them fixed as the are cracked, chipped, decayed you name it. Only trouble is that I have a massive phobia of the dentist, I know I need to go and get them fixed but I just cant, please help?

Thank goodness your transplant has been successful.
Presumably you are on immunosuppresants, so you are absolutely right to understand the importance of looking after the health of your mouth.
There are many ways to overcome your phobia, but the first step is to have a dentist check your mouth thoroughly and explain alternatives to you. Don’t worry – this would just be a visit to look over your mouth, get some x-rays and see where you are. Does this sound possible for you?
Please please see your dentist to discuss this or let me know if I can be of further help.

Dr Simon Nery

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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