Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I need new teeth after suffering with bulimia but too scared, help?
Hi I suffered with bulimia for 4years during secondary school and now at the age of 21 my teeth are really showing the affects of my illness. Iv been on the road to recovery and doing really well. My parents have offered to pay to get veneers fitted to help boost my confidence but linked with my illness I have a huge phobia about things going in my mouth which makes me terrified of the dentist, do you have any tips on how to overcome this?
Im glad you are on the road to recovery , and feel able to try to get your teeth sorted out .
2 things
You need to find a dentist you feel you can be open with about the issues you have . Just take things one step at a time , first thing is to find out what you could have done , and ask for explanations of what that would entail .
Being able to trust the person who is going to treat you is a big part of being able to succeed .
Try to imagine how you might feel when you have finished the work , what positive benefits it would have , and how it would help your recovery to continue .
Having dental treatment involves some stages . the first being that you allow someone to have a look , perhaps with just a dental mirror , that will help to start the process of desensitising your fears .
Getting over bulimia is hard , but you have done it. Getting over the next fear will be another step forward
Good luck