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I want to have my teeth removed

Hi, I want to have all my teeth out. I am terrified of dentists and have not been for years. I have two front teeth on dentures and the rest of my teeth are loose and my whole mouth is painful. I have a bad back problem and suffer fibro myalgia – I take shed loads of pain relief, including morphine, as I am in constant pain. can you advise how I can get my teeth out under general anasetic and how much money I would be looking at. I haven’t got a lot and know I will probably need to go via the nhs – can you advise me in anyway. thank you 

Hello. You need to find a dentist who can refer to you to a local hospital which has a dental department . It should be possible to get your teeth out under a GA .
The other possibility is to find a dentist who either carries out IV sedation , or who can access a service .
If you see an NHS dentist they should know where their local services are .

Hospital treatment is generally free , and if you have treatment on the NHS then if on benefits its free or if you pay then the fees are still really very low compared with other goods and services .
Then you will need to find someone to make you some new dentures .
It does sound as if getting rid of your teeth is the right answer for you .
I hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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