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I’m frightened about experiencing toothache on my flight, what should I do?
Dear Jennifer,
I have asked you a similar question a while ago. I have to catch a flight in a week and I am extremely scared that I might get a toothache while flying. My wisdom tooth apparently has a cavity and it needs a filling( I’ve been to the dentist recently) and I will have the filling when I come back.
Im sure I replied to you before .
There is no absolute certainty that you will not get tooth-ache while you are flying.
If this tooth has a cavity that has only been found by the dentist and has not given you any trouble then its highly unlikely it will .
Perhaps your anxiety is helping you to imagine the worst case scenario , which probably won’t happen .
take some pain killers with you in your luggage as an insurance .
The other option is to get the tooth treated before you go , although occasionally that can stir up a problem that was dormant if left alone
Hope this helps
have a good trip