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Is It Possible to Hire Someone to Assist Me After My Dental Procedure?
I’ve got an upcoming dental procedure that involves IV sedation and therefore requires me to bring a chaperone.
I’m struggling to find friends or family that have the spare time and can assist me in this manner.
Are there are any facilities/services available whereby I could hire someone for such a procedure?
I’d rather go through a regulated service than randomly hiring someone through an advert.
Best regards.
I doubt very much that you would be able to hire an ‘escort’. I know it’s difficult, but having someone with you is for your safety, and they need to have the instructions given to you after the procedure explained to them.
You would not want a stranger you knew nothing about to take you home when you are still under the influence of the drugs.
I hope you can keep trying and find someone who would help you out. Hope this helps, Jenny.