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Is there anyway of covering a black tooth without going to the dentist?
Hi Jennifer Pinder. Could you please help me and more importantly my wife who is terrified of the dentist. The problem is that she as a black tooth to the front of her mouth and we are going top our sons wedding shortly what is the best way to cover the tooth without a visit to the dentist? thank you very much
Hi there, congratulations to them both, unfortunately though -in a nutshell there isn’t one .
Its a question of not being able to smile or have photos , or using the wedding as the key to starting to deal with this .
Perhaps look on the Internet for a dentist that does sedation , or look on www.dentalfearcentral.org to find someone in your area that other people who are terrified have found helpful .
Ive treated lots of people who have found the courage to make the first move in just such a situation , doing nothing wil make nothing better .
hope you are able to get this sorted. Jenny