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We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
It’s been over 15 years since my last dental check-up and I still can’t bring my self to go so what should I do?
Q how do i start…
the fact is it has been over 15 years since i went to my dentist. and to be honest i cant bring my self to go, i had varying horrible experiences and now im not sure which way to turn. I have looked after my teeth and so far so good,,, but things are starting to happen so i guess i need some one to look ! but who how I am ridiculously worried about the whole thing.. even typing this now is making me shake.. bit soppy for a 6ft4 bloke….. still a scared boy inside :-) who can i trust !?
You may be a 6ft 4 bloke , and that is one of your roles in life ,
But that doesn’t make it any easier for you to get to the dentist !
you need to find a dentist that you can at least have an initial consultation with. If you don’t then you are just guessing and imagining the worst case scenario.
Look on and see who has been helped there and which dentists are recommended .
Having your teeth looked at doesn’t commit you to anything other than that .
Hope this helps a bit