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I’ve always been scared of dentist but after a move and a nasty dentist I hate them even more?

I have always been slightly scared of dental appointments but always kept up my treatment. Due to moving I have just returned in tears and very scared after my new appointment. I have an impacted upper wisdom tooth. I am in great pain and although I did get given antibiotics I have no faith in the dentist. As I am 55 I fear treatment will be needed and can’t face another dentist. I have never been made to feel so stupid and have never been shouted at by a professional before. Even though I have been recommended different dentists by friends they are not Nhs. Please could you advise what my next step could be.

Im very sorry you have had such an unpleasant experience .
This dentist is not the right person for you , and it might help you just to look upon the visit as an emergency stopgap .
Im not sure that its a question of NHs or private rather than the personality and manner of the dentist .
If you need treatment is it an extraction ? Many dentists refer to a specialist Oral surgeon for an impacted wisdom tooth either in a practice or a hospital . .
Your Primary care Trust may be able to give you a list of NHS dentists so you can choose another .
I hope you find a better fit for yourself

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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