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I’ve neglected my oral hygiene and now I think I have gum disease. What can I do?

i cannot stand going to the dentist but i think i may have gum disease, my gums are reddened and bleed when I catch them with a toothbrush. I have been away a lot over summer- a lot not going anywhere imp articular just various places around England for like a week/two weeks a time, pretty much every time the only thing I forget is my toothbrush! as a result id say there’s a good few weeks- potentially months where my teeth were not brushed, I was first wondering if that’s even enough time to contract gum disease? that brings me to my second question, if I could possibly have contracted it how do I get rid of it without going to the dentist I cannot stand them, I once bit the dentist finger! could I get prescription tablets or whatever? thank you very much

well your fantasy is that your teeth will remain healthy without having to clean them regularly, and then you can get a pill to put it right !!!!
The very first thing you need to do is to make an effort and use your tooth brush , if you are away then buy another one , there is no excuse here !
The build up ,gum diseaseof plaque which is full of bacteria will inflame the gums and make them bleed .gum disease isn’t something you contract .
After that
You will probably have hard tartare baked onto the teeth and under the gum line which only a dental professional can remove and diagnose .
lots of stuff left behind smells pretty unpleasant and can make people not nice o be near .
I really empathise with your fear of the dentist , but
you really do have to help yourself , and improving your home care is a first step .After that pluck up courage to see a dentist at least for a consultation to find out whats going on ,that doesn’t commit you to anything .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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