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Expert answers

We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.

Last time I went to the dentist the treatment options frightened me, how can I overcome my fear?

I have a fear of dentists because of the pain and the embarrassment that my teeth are so bad. The last time I went to the dentist they gave me options for my teeth, all not good. I can’t get myself to go back to the dentist and my teeth are not getting better. I am 31 yrs old. How can I over come my fear and deep anxiety?

Things cant change and get better if you dont take any action , they will only get worse .
At the moment you are paralysed with fear , so unlocking that fear and moving forward is the key to positive change .
Break the fear down into chunks .
Embarrassment and shame about your teeth are common in dental phobics , but those feelings are just that , feelings. You are beating yourself up about what you see as your failings and the consequences , perhaps comparing yourself to others who you perceive as more successful at doing dentistry .
If you can change your view to that of having a ‘disability ‘ i.e the phobia , but in your case one that can be overcome with some persistence and courage .
The treatment you need is the legacy of your phobia , and that cant be changed , but what you do about it can .
I recommend
1, . an excellent resource for patients , and has an app .
2. Anxiety UK
3. Cognitive behavioural therapy for dummies . an excellent reader friendly book for helping with anxiety .
4 download the questionnaires from my website , , to begin to analyse what you are afraid of to help you deal with it and give information to a dentist .
Hope this helps you get started

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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