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My bad childhood means I cannot have dental treatment
Hello I need help as this has gone on too long. I had a bad childhood and as a result i hate having things in my mouth even a tooth. Just the thought turns my stomach. I’m only 24 and as a result of my fear my teeth are falling out and really bad and I’m always in a lot of pain due to this. I too ashamed to go to the dentist and scared. Its ruining my life and my children s life. I want to be able to smile again and have a social life but my fear is taking over. Please do you have any advise or help.
Hello. Feeling ashamed and guilty is very common when things are difficult like this for you .However dentists have seen lots of things , and what you show them will be confidential and in private .
You have made the first step by coming and asking the question here .
I suggest you go to www.dentalfearcentral.org which is a resource for dental patients . There is lots of support there which will help you get started to make that all important first step .
You are very young and your children will be too young to be affected too much by your teeth state , but doing it for them would be a real positive goal .
If you dont do anything you will stay stuck , and things can only get worse .
Hope this helps