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My daughter is very scared of the dentist

My 12 year old daughter has been terrified of the dentist for a number of years now. On the last occasion she sat rigid in the car, trembling, crying and refusing to go near the surgery. I was able to persuade her to go in with her sister by reassuring her that she was in charge and that she could choose how far she wanted to go. She felt able to sit in the surgery. We are trying to take small steps at her pace and continue to encourage good dental hygiene but I’m not sure where to go from here. Any advice would be most appreciated.

You are doing all the right things .
She may improve more over time .
If she has to have any treatment then that may be a different story .
If there is a problem with this then it may be possible to get a referral to the Special Needs Service at the Community Dental Service locally
Hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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