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My husband cannot breathe through his nose

Hello Dr Pinder, my husband has been to the dentist and they have said he should find a dentist that will put him to sleep instead of sending him to hospital . My husband cannot breath through his nose so the only way to breath is through his mouth. When they try and treat him he panics and gags and his dentist will not refere him back to hospital. Please help, we live in Telford in Shropshire and can’t get any answers.

Your husband has a problem with breathing which makes him panic and gag , The dentist he has seen cannot manage to treat him so he needs to look at alternative ways of having treatment .
I suggest that in the first instance you look up a practice belonging to Richard Gatenby in Shrewsbury if that might be in travelling distance . They carry out IV sedation for treatment .However they are possibly all private .
If you need NHS treatment then the Community Dental Service may have a center where sedation is carried out , or may know where your dentist could refer him to .
Hospitals only carry out extractions under a GA or IV sedation and not fillings treatment .
Its not your husbands fault he has this difficulty , but its not always easy to find a facility that can help him and give him the time and patience that is needed

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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